Look Man, Luck Is Real And Does Play A Big Role In Life

Alden Tan
2 min readMay 28, 2018

Probably one of the more angry posts I wrote a long time ago because I was just pissed off with all the dumb advice out there. Luck is real! Okay?!

You know that thing called ‘luck’ right? It’s real. Lucky is real, very real.

I have a love-hate relationship with it.

One one hand, I think it’s bullshit.

You can’t sit around hoping for things to happen to you automatically.

That’s being spoiled. That’s being lazy. That’s being useless.

On the other hand, I can’t stand how successful people today talk like luck doesn’t exist; like the idea “luck is real” is just bullshit to them.

They say luck isn’t real.

It’s merely preparedness meets opportunity.

It’s just hard work.

It’s just opening up in life and saying yes to everything.

Or whatever.

Look man, let’s get real. Luck is real as fuck.

Luck, in that karmic sense where good or bad shit happens to certain people for seemingly

